
Ngoc Chau finished her MSc thesis – Congrats!

Ngoc Chau finished and submitted her MSc thesis in July called “A geospatial data-driven approach to assess transport-related carbon emissions: Case Otaniemi, Finland“. Congrats Ngoc! Ngoc did her work as a research assistant at GIST Lab together with Henrikki who was her main supervisor and advisor. Also Prof. Milos Mladenović from the Spatial Planning and […]

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Eero Alkio finished his MSc thesis – Congrats!

Eero Alkio finished and submitted his MSc thesis in July called “Spatially distributed crop modelling in the Mekong River Basin with AquaCrop“. Congrats Eero! This work emerged as a result from fruitful collaboration between Geoinformatics + Water and Environmental Engineering research groups. Eero’s thesis relates to the postdoctoral research of Josias Láng-Ritter who was also […]

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