
Department of Built Environment, Aalto University,
Otakaari 4, 02150 Espoo,

Dr. Henrikki Tenkanen

Assistant Professor

Department of Built Environment, Aalto University

Henrikki is an Assistant Professor of Geoinformation Technology at the Department of Built Environment, Aalto University and the director of the GIST Lab. He is an adjunct professor (a Title of Docent) at the Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki and an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London (UK).

Henrikki is a geographer and GIScientist by tranining and his research explores how methodological approaches in GIScience can be used to study spatial accessibility and mobility analysis related to sustainable urban development and mobility. His past research has also investigated how human activities in natural and urban environments can be investigated based on user-generated content, such as social media data. 


  1. 2017


    University of Helsinki
  2. 2013


    University of Helsinki

Professional Appointments

  1. 2020-
    Assistant Professor
    Aalto University
  2. 2019-2020
    Postdoctoral researcher
    University College London
  3. 2018
    Postdoctoral researcher
    Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki
  4. 2014-2017
    Doctoral researcher
    Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki