
Ongoing Projects

  • MAPICO -project (2023-2027):
    • Funder: Research Council of Finland
    • PI: Henrikki Tenkanen
  • Location Innovation Hub (2023-2026, first stage). 
    • Funder: European Commission
    • PI: Henrikki Tenkanen at Aalto University
    • Consortium PI/Coordinator: Antti Jakobsson, National Land Survey
  • Geoportti -project – Open Geospatial Information Infrastructure for Research (2022-2024)
    • Funder: Academy of Finland
    • PI: Dr. Jussi Nikander at Aalto University
    • Consortium PI / Coordinator: Juha Oksanen, National Land Survey

Past projects

  • Threat and risk analysis of open geospatial data (2022-2023)
    • Funder: National Land Survey of Finland
    • PI: Henrikki Tenkanen